The current Covid-19 vaccines are supposed to be administered twice. Do I really need both doses?

Yes. According to existing clinical trial data, authorized Covid-19 vaccines are shown to be safe and effective at preventing Covid-19 when recipients receive the two specified doses of each vaccine based on the timing used in the trials. For the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, the interval is 21 days between the first and second dose. And for the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, the interval is 28 days between the first and second dose.

Based on all evidence currently available, scientists cannot say that changing the recommended vaccine administration (i.e. skimping on doses, receiving a “half” dose, or not adhering to the recommended dosing scheduled) will effectively protect the population from Covid-19. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that skipping the second dose, or altering suggested dosage timelines in any way, is an unnecessary risk “not supported by adequate scientific evidence” and “may ultimately be counterproductive to public health.”

The need for additional boosters beyond the two-dose regimen for current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines has not been established.

The bottom line: Follow FDA guidance and get both doses just as they are recommended.  

You can learn more about the recommended FDA-authorized dosing schedule for each COVID-19 vaccine here. Want to learn more about the FDA’s safety and efficacy standards? Click here.

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