¿Aún necesitaré usar una máscara después de vacunarme?

Por el momento, sí.

Al igual que otros coronavirus, el que causa el Covid-19 es principalmente un virus respiratorio, el mismo que afecta los órganos y tejidos relacionados con la respiración (como los pulmones). Por lo general, ingresa al cuerpo a través de la nariz y se multiplica rápidamente, lo que le permite extenderse fácilmente al exhalar, hablar, reír, cantar y estornudar. La vacuna ayuda al cuerpo a atacar el virus, evitando que una persona se enferme gravemente.

Pero los investigadores aún no han determinado si la vacuna reduce la propagación individual de la enfermedad. En otras palabras, sabemos que, si recibe la vacuna, es muy poco probable que se enferme gravemente del Covid-19. Pero puede seguir siendo contagioso para otros dentro de su círculo social y para cualquier persona con la que entre en contacto. Hasta que sepamos con certeza que existe un riesgo mínimo de infectar a otros una vez que haya sido vacunado, o hasta que alcancemos un nivel que permita la protección de la inmunidad colectiva, usted debe usar su máscara y practicar distanciamiento social como antes.

According to the latest guidance given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fully vaccinated people should wear a mask indoors in public if they are located in an area of substantial or high transmission.

Previously, people who were considered fully vaccinated -- i.e. two weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine and two weeks after one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine -- were able to remove masks indoors. Due to concerns over the Delta variant spreading, the CDC has once again recommended that vaccinated people -- along with unvaccinated people -- mask indoors.

Even if you are not located in an area of substantial or high transmission, your workplace and certain businesses may continue to require masks. Mask requirements may also remain in place for public transportation such as trains, planes, and buses.

If you have any medical conditions or are taking medications that weaken your immune system, the CDC urges you to talk to your doctor before making any changes in activities. Extra safety measures may still be needed to protect you from Covid-19.

Remember to also check state and county health department websites for up-to-date information on the status of mask mandates for fully vaccinated people in your area. Regional officials may take time to implement the CDC's guidelines.

Click here for an interactive state map that will direct you to your state public health department website for more information.

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